Erdbeeren (DE)


Hannah has a mum and a dad and strawberry plants on the balcony. Just like every year, she is looking forward to when the strawberries will be ripe. But this year everything is different because mum and dad have suddenly decided to separate.

Erdbeeren is the story of a perfectly normal separation, told from the child’s perspective. With hurt, angry, sad, playful and comical situations, everyday life is sliced up like a strawberry gateau. This text has been nominated for the National Ibsen Award 2022 in Norway. It was shown for the first time in Germany in 2024, in a completely new show.

The show is available on tour. Please get in touch via produktion(at)

Premiere: Südufer /E-Werk Freiburg, Germany, 29.2.-3.3.2024
Guest performances at Junges Theater Wolfsburg, Germany (4/2024) and Kaiserbühne Kaiserstuhl, Switzerland (4/2024).

Photos: Britt Schilling

Created by and featuring Ann Sam Bell artists:

Nelly Winterhalder – playwright and director
Nelly is a playwright, director and translator. Her works have been performed in Norway, Switzerland, Austria, Italy and Nicaragua.

Philipp Nägele – actor and producer
Philipp Nägele works as an actor and theatre educator with performances for children and adults. He has produced and set up a number of productions and lives in Freiburg.

Sabine Flack – actress
Sabine Flack has been working as an actor for 20 years, both for theatre (Schauspiel Köln, Theater Bonn, Stadttheater Dortmund, Schauspielhaus Wuppertal) and TV.

Johannes Jäck – beatboxing, singing and live-electronics
Johannes Jäck has been active on stage for 17 years with his a-capella-ensemble "anders". He has also published many songs as a beatboxer.

Marion Dieterle – scenography and costumes
Marion Dieterle has been working on and behind the stage for many years, as a dancer, a choreograph, visual artist and as an artistic director.

Conny Winterholler – lighting designer
Conny Winterholler works as a lighting designer both at Theater Basel and in the independent theatre sector.


Supported by E-Werk Freiburg, Arts Council Norway, the Municipality of Freiburg, Regional Association of Independant Dance and Theatre Professionals Baden-Württemberg, Fonds Darstellende Künste.