Eine Frage des Anfangs (DE)


Fanny and Holger are a wealthy, childless couple who live Here. If they had not been born Here, then they would have been born There. They would be a different couple because There is a place where it does not rain.
Through a fluid exchange of roles and scenes, Fanny and Holger slide from Here to There. What happens Here has consequence There, and vice versa. Absurdity and reality go hand in hand, but what is coincidental? Is there room for responsible action? And where does it actually all begin?

Beginnings is a play cut with bravura about children and climate change, idealism and pleasure, economic challenges and emotional insecurity, global butterfly effects and a fish that swallowed one bait too many.

Badische Zeitung reviewed the performance. You can read the entire review here (in German).

Wolfsburger Allgemeine Zeitung’s review (in German) can be found here.

Kulturjoker also reviewed the performance. Read the article (in German) here.


The show is available for touring, please get in touch via produktion(at)annsambell.com.

Premiere: 4 November 2021, Scharoun Theater Wolfsburg, Germany
Guest performances at Südufer Freiburg (2/2022), Silbersalz Festival Halle (6/2022), E-Werk Freiburg (2/2023), Kaiserbühne Kaiserstuhl Switzerland (4/2024)


Created by and featuring Ann Sam Bell artists:

Nelly Winterhalder – manuscript/director
Nelly is a playwright, director and translator. Her works have been performed in Norway, Switzerland, Austria, Italy and Nicaragua.

Philipp Nägele – actor and production
Philipp Nägele works as an actor and theatre educator with performances for children and adults. He has produced and set up a number of productions and lives in Freiburg.

Sabine Flack – actor
Sabine Flack has been working as an actor for 20 years, both for theatre (Schauspiel Köln, Theater Bonn, Stadttheater Dortmund, Schauspielhaus Wuppertal) and TV.

Conny Winterholler – lighting design
Conny Winterholler works as a lighting designer both at Theater Basel and in the independent theatre sector.


Supported by Scharoun Theater Wolfsburg, E-Werk Freiburg, Arts Council Norway and the Audio and Visual Fund, the Municipality of Freiburg, the foundation Sparkasse Freiburg-Nördlicher Breisgau, the foundation Landesbank Baden-Württemberg, GLS Treuhand and the Norwegian-German Willy-Brandt-foundation.


Photographer: Tamara Burk